Family, Friends and Partners

It can be challenging when someone you care about tells you that they are HIV positive. You might not know how to react or what to say in that moment. You might have fears about their health. However, people living with HIV can live a normal, healthy life as long as they take their HIV medications. Depending on how much you know about HIV, you might also have fears about HIV transmission. It’s important for people to know that HIV is transmitted through sex and sharing needles, and NOT by hugging, kissing, sharing plates, sharing drinks or food, sharing toilets or showers, or living together.  It’s very important that when someone you care about discloses that they are living with HIV, that you are supportive and non-stigmatizing, and let them know you are there for them. 

Partners of people living with HIV should also know how to react in a respectful, non-stigmatizing way. Partners should also know about preventing HIV transmission by using PrEP or condoms, and by talking with their partners about U=U (undetectable=untransmittable).

This webpage has informative articles, stories, and thoughtful guidance on what to do and what not to do when someone discloses that they are living with HIV. It has videos of doctors talking about how HIV is transmitted, of family members talking about how they support their loved one with HIV and talking with their loved one about what they need.

For Family Members

For Friends

For Partners